Friday, August 3, 2012

Really Staying Home: Thanking God | Loving Our Journey

I?m a SAHM mom?an active one.

This is not a planned post today, but I need to write. Badly. I write as I pray.

I spent the first seven months of my child?s life lonely, home just doing chores (while of course gazing at my newborn with love). I went stir crazy. My social life was seeing local family occasionally, but I needed energetic time with other moms and kids our ages.

Months later, after what seemed like a zillion attempts to find activities that ?fit? J and I?s needs, we started to develop two most special bonds, which became deep friendships with very important moms and their kiddos. I became a ?re-developer? and ?co-coordinator? of our weekly church moms and toddlers group. Our schedule was full: church, tumblin? class, playdate after playdate, playgrounds, you name it.

We went from 0 to 120 in what seemed like a matter of time. My baby is almost two, and I became the stay active mom I wanted to be, with a happy, social, sweet toddler. I felt blessed by God; I?m home, raising our child, the way we want to be. I?ve always referred to myself as a SAHAM?note the extra A, for active.

Sometimes though, the active part of me, needs to rest.? To simply care for our needs.

Recently everything has seemed too much.?My lil? guys needs are changing; he craves higher developmental activities for learning?just eats it up. He needs challenge. We were too active outside of home with scheduled activities.? We needed to slow down.

At the same time, our pup, and cat, centers of our family, have been sick. Our 3 year old lab requires much direct supervision at times, many vet trips, and significant patience when she is ill most nights as we try to sleep.? J absolutely adores them.

Menu planning has become intricately challenging, with multiple allergies and sensitivities now in our household.? Even the dog has a special diet and medication trials, with my cell phone set to a barking noise when I need to attend to her.? The cat, well, let?s just keep her new dietary food separated from our dog and toddler at the same time.

?.and?I?ve been trying to stay home this week to ?finish? pottying?J is almost there!

So what I?ve learned?

Our blessing from God this morning?acknowledging and thanking Him that I am home, absolutely able to slow down and choose our activities?to really fit our needs, J?s needs, our family needs. My husband can be at work, be there to provide for us, and I can deal strongly with our needs:? a toddler on my hip saying ?pee mama?, food allergies,?a dog in pain, roping all the chickens into the barn, and an indoor cat?wanting?to escape.? God gives us the strength to do what we need for our family.?

To say no. To be able to spend hours and days at a vet?s office, helping my child to learn so much about loving care. To be here, home, when both he and I need a break.? To learn to manage multiple dietary issues, to ?man the home front?.

What more can I ask for from God? I can?t! He?s given us the blessing to be here, where I am needed most, at home, caring and caring and caring for our needs.? My husband rests in the fact that I can manage our needs here at home.

To be able to blog my heartfelt thank you?

Thank you Lord.

Have you ever just taken a step back from outside life and felt so much calmer? I almost don?t want to go back!? Cozy in my little home with my toddler sleeping?



(Host of Faithfully Parenting Friday linky party!!!)


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