Friday, July 13, 2012

A commitment made of faith? | wanderingdaph

A good relationship is not just about love. It is about respect, trust, faith, commitment and qualities that make growing together beautiful and not regretful. Some relationships are long and some are short. It may not be an easy ride but should be worth it.?I know many couples who have lived together for many years and some have even celebrated golden ?years of togetherness! In all these years together, they invest time, energy and care in nurturing their relationship. In the course of their time together, they travel, explore, find faith, happiness, struggle, make memories, fight, argue, bear the brunt of the other person?s ?frustration, forgive, move on to dreaming new things, make ends meet, express their love in different ways and support each other. Some have children, grand children and even great-grand children. Some are happy and content with just each other.

Relationships can be extremely complicated and impossible to apprehend and yet most of us are or have been in a relationship at some point. What makes people choose to love and live together? It is a decision that changes their lives and it takes courage, trust and commitment to make such a decision. It is quite hard to find two identical?people in a relationship!?They usually come with big personality differences and they may learn to embrace?and love?these differences. In the learning period, they may let go of their egos (hopefully) and build a firm foundation of trust and honesty. Relationships mature with time and experiences and sometimes it is easier than it appears to be. At other times, relationships can be hurtful, aggressive, abusive and dishonest. Disappointments are hard to deal with especially if it is from the one you love the most and sadly people who love the most, hurt the most. It is important to communicate, to listen and to exercise a healthy exchange of honesty and openness. No human being is made to be abused or suffer. There are crossroads in life when a couple needs to question the?integrity?of their relationship when it starts being over-whelmed with relentless disappointment and hurt. Respect is important and should be mutual in a relationship.

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