Sunday, July 29, 2012

Ferrell, Galifianakas hassle 'lame' Jon Stewart

By Ree Hines

"The Campaign" co-stars Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakas stopped by "The Daily Show" Thursday night for some promotional chit-chat, but the visit soon turned into an interview intervention for host Jon Stewart.

It seems the funnymen just weren?t interested in the typical talk.

"Do you have any more lame questions for us?" Ferrell asked. " 'Was it fun on the set? Was it?' Uh. 'I bet you guys seem like you get along.' "

When Galifianakas joined in on the bashing, Stewart complained about the "two-on-one" attack, and then asked, "You want me to Hamm you?"

"Mad Men's" Jon Hamm, carrying his very own chair, entered the studio and joined the fray. First he got an easy apology from the rowdy pair. Then he gave it some more thought.

"Well, they had a problem with your questions, which were, admittedly, terrible, terrible questions," he said before scooting his chair over to the Ferrell-Galifianakas side. "I mean, honestly, Jon, we really have to elevate the quality of questions."

In the face of three deadpan joksters, Stewart gave in.

"Guys, I?ve been doing this show for a long time, and I just never thought about it like that," he said. "And I thank you, because I have been wasting people?s time for almost 15 years. ? I apologize to you and the people at home, and not just for the interview I did here, but all the interviews, and the show in general."

Jokes aside, how do you think Stewart ranks as an interviewer? Share your thoughts on our Facebook page.


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